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Historical Background

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Historical Background of Deway Mixed Fruits Drink

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I want to encourage you to sit back and read this shocking story, peradventure it might save you too.

It is no more a new thing hearing people dying every second all over the world irrespective of age through one disease or the other: it is obvious that people are no more careful about their health daily until they start seeing or perceiving different changes in their body system even to the Chronic stage.
People eat and drink anything they see, available, use to, or think is good for them not minding what may be the result of what they eat or drink because little do they know that 75% – 90% of what dictates their lives is based on what they eat, drink and what I call LIFESTYLE (ways of life).
For instance: A man that cannot do without taking alcohol drink should know that he is endangering his Kidney, some people say I don’t like taking water, forgotten water is part of what makes their diet balanced.
As we know that medically, Doctors will always tell you that “Disease has no cure, it can only be managed”. Though medically the statement is fact-based on humans reasoning and understanding, I will like to say that it is not 100 percent true because The God of the Universe says “BEHOLD, I AM THE LORD GOD OF ALL FLESH, IS THERE ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR ME? Jeremiah 32:27. Jesus also said: “But Jesus beheld them and said unto them, “WITH MEN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. Matthew 19:26. And Jesus looking upon them saith “WITH MEN IT IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT NOT WITH GOD: FOR WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE” Mark 10:27.
There is a total difference between fact and truth. Fact is man’s philosophy, policies, doctrine, belief, wisdom, intellect etc. which may still end up in death or destruction, while the truth is God’s standard for mankind, word of God, God’s wisdom which supersedes the wisdom of man, and God’s instructions that carry life, hope, and longevity.

The word of God says: “A man cannot receive anything except it be given him from heaven” John 3:27.
I give glory to the Almighty God, the giver of life and the revealer of every secret, for seeing a small boy like me from His search room and decided to hand over this great vision and mandate: to deliver and liberate many people from the pains and agony caused by sickness or disease in their body system without any drugs but with some certain natural fruits and vegetables without chemical to me.
I want to share the way God reveals how to cure several diseases and sicknesses in the body system without drugs to me.
I was a staff of a communication network in Nigeria until God spoke to me on May 22, 2016, that I should resign, I ignored it immediately as a human, 3 days after, I heard it again then I replied God that He should allow me until I receive my salary but unfortunately, they do not pay my salary until 15th June 2016, immediately I received salary alert, I was happy then I heard God saying: now that you’ve received your salary, when are you going to resign, then I answered, Lord if I resign now they will not pay my June salary, please Lord, immediately I receive my salary I will resign, then God kept quiet about it till the night of 19th June 2016 when I decided to seek the face of God and to be double sure it was God speaking to me. After a serious heart-to-heart prayer with God, the Lord showed me a powerful and scary vision of what is about to happen to me. I woke up the following morning, I took an immediate step and I resigned without knowing what to do next.

On June 29, 2017, a boy was brought to me that was diagnose with a disease called HOLE IN THE HEART, they were referred to University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. We went to UCH together and we met with the consultant, she asked us to run some test for the boy which we did, after the test, the consultant told us that there is nothing to do but to go for surgery which will cost nothing less than #3million.
I thought of how to get #3million and I observed that even if they sell everything they had, they cannot get #1million, but right there I asked God, “LORD, IS THERE NO ALTERNATIVE TO THIS ISSUE? Immediately, God said to me “FRUITS”.
I read Building Technology at The Polytechnic Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria.I work with network communication provider before the Lord asked me to resign which I did in June 20, 2016.
I have never heard disease called hole in the heart before this case, so I had no idea about fruits or disease
But I believe God and His words, so I went back to God in prayer for more revelation about the fruits and how to go about it and by the mercies of God, I received the revelation and I experiment it, I prayed and read the word of God to the fruit, I gave the boy and on the third day we noticed positive changes in the boy. From that point I prayed to God that if He can use me to save lives through DEWAY MIXED FRUITS DRINK, I will always return glory back to Him and He replied me with this word “Anybody that use Deway Mixed Fruit Drink with faith for any kind of disease, I, God will work through it” and truth to His word, He has be doing that and still in the business of doing it for anybody that believe in His power and Word, as He has solved several diseases like: Stroke, Fibroid, High Blood Pressure, Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, Hepatitis B, Ulcer, Liver Cancer, Breast Lump/Cancer, Loss of Memory, Diabetes, Prostrate Enlargement, etc.
All to the Glory of God, the consultant told us that the boy cannot live for a year more but by the help of God and His power this boy is still alive till today hale and healthy.

When I started I asked God the name I will called the product since He owns it, He showed me the name written like this, “DE-WAY AGRO FRUIT”. So we started with this name until we get to NAFDAC and changed to DE-WAY MIXED FRUITS DRINK” and got certified by NAFDAC on 3rd March, 2020.

I am now telling you that, there is now solution to every disease or any sicknesses in the body system without any drug only if you can believe in the power of God working in our product (DEWAY MIXED FRUIT DRINK).


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[cz_gap height=”40px” id=”cz_89643″][cz_progress_bar title=”Safe” number=”95%” style=”pbar2″ id=”cz_32047″ sk_title=”font-size:18px;” sk_num=”border-radius:20px;background-color:#f68420;padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;color:#ffffff;” sk_progress=”background-color:transparent;background-image:linear-gradient(90deg,#ffffff,#f68420);” sk_bar=”height:2px;” cz_progress_bar=””][cz_progress_bar title=”Higher Efficiency” number=”95%” style=”pbar2″ id=”cz_100685″ sk_title=”font-size:18px;” sk_num=”border-radius:20px;background-color:#f68420;padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;color:#ffffff;” sk_progress=”background-color:transparent;background-image:linear-gradient(90deg,#ffffff,#f68420);” sk_bar=”height:2px;” cz_progress_bar=””][cz_progress_bar title=”Alkaline” number=”100%” style=”pbar2″ id=”cz_52224″ sk_title=”font-size:18px;” sk_num=”border-radius:20px;background-color:#f68420;padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;color:#ffffff;” sk_progress=”background-color:transparent;background-image:linear-gradient(90deg,#ffffff,#f68420);” sk_bar=”height:2px;” cz_progress_bar=””][cz_progress_bar title=”Phyto-Nutrient” number=”100%” style=”pbar2″ id=”cz_54642″ sk_title=”font-size:18px;” sk_num=”border-radius:20px;background-color:#f68420;padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;color:#ffffff;” sk_progress=”background-color:transparent;background-image:linear-gradient(90deg,#ffffff,#f68420);” sk_bar=”height:2px;” cz_progress_bar=””][cz_progress_bar title=”Fruits & Vegetables” number=”100%” style=”pbar2″ id=”cz_34682″ sk_title=”font-size:18px;” sk_num=”border-radius:20px;background-color:#f68420;padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;color:#ffffff;” sk_progress=”background-color:transparent;background-image:linear-gradient(90deg,#ffffff,#f68420);” sk_bar=”height:2px;” cz_progress_bar=””][cz_progress_bar title=”Training & Consultancy Services” number=”95%” style=”pbar2″ id=”cz_99725″ sk_title=”font-size:18px;” sk_num=”border-radius:20px;background-color:#f68420;padding-left:16px;padding-right:16px;color:#ffffff;” sk_progress=”background-color:transparent;background-image:linear-gradient(90deg,#ffffff,#f68420);” sk_bar=”height:2px;” cz_progress_bar=””]
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